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A Letter from Danielle for July ’24
  A Letter from Danielle for July ’24
Hi Everyone, This is it, we finally made it to summer! When I think of July, I think of vacations, July 4th. and all the yummy things to eat at 4th of July picnics and events. We used to give a big 4th of July party, with line dancing even, and we served Southern fried […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for June ’24
  A Letter from Danielle for June ’24
Hi Everyone, I hope that by now everyone has warm weather everywhere, after a long hard winter. But summer is at long last here. Graduations were last month, so the college kids are free and already enjoying summer holidays. And most people are making, or have made, their summer plans, to go sailing, water skiing, […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for May ’24
  A Letter from Danielle for May ’24
Hi Everyone, I hope that spring is rolling along smoothly for you, with warmer weather and summer to look forward to a few months from now. Although spring is official in March, it takes months longer for winter to disappear. And May is a gentle, pretty month almost everywhere, with flowers blooming and warm weather. […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for April ’24
  A Letter from Danielle for April ’24
Hi Everyone, Well, we’re slowly tiptoeing out of winter, but not fully in spring yet. It still stays pretty chilly in April in most places, and in the two cities where I live, the weather doesn’t get warm ’til May or June, so we have a way to go until spring is really here. Easter […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for March ’24
  A Letter from Danielle for March ’24
Hi Everyone, I hope that all is well with you. Technically, spring is just around the corner, but in many places it may take a while to get to that corner!! It’s still cold in the cities where I live. I’ve avoided a lot of the bad weather this winter by writing, as I always […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for February ’24
  A Letter from Danielle for February ’24
Hi Everyone, February is always one of those months when the winter seems endless, and spring still feels a lifetime away. And the fun of the holidays feels like a distant memory. I always work/write a lot in January and February, and then suddenly spring is here, and I poke my nose out the door. […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for January ’24
  A Letter from Danielle for January ’24
Hi Everyone, Well, you made it through the holidays, after all the shopping, planning, cooking, lists, meals to prepare, trees to decorate, relatives people are happy to see, and some less so. The holidays are a marathon of work behind the scenes. Filled with hope and excitement, and sometimes disappointment over things that didnt happen. […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for December ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for December ’23
Hello Everyone, Although September is always a whirlwind for me after the summer, December is ALWAYS the busiest month of the year, can be the most stressful, takes the most effort to get everything organized, and it is definitely my favorite month!!! And favorite holiday!! The Christmas holidays, or of whatever faith or none, are […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for November ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for November ’23
Hi Everyone, November begins to have the bite and seriousness of winter, as the cold weather sets in, in most places, and the holidays begin to approach. It can be a stressful time for many people, spending time with family, or having no family to spend it with, and making plans. Thanksgiving is a wonderful […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for October ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for October ’23
Hi Everyone, October is one of my favorite months, as the weather cools—which is always energizing—and the fall gets busy with new projects and writing new books. I always find October inspiring, it’s just cool enough but not freezing yet, and we seem to hit our stride in this month. And for comic relief we […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for September ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for September ’23
Hi Everyone, Without a doubt, as the mother of nine kids, September has always been my busiest month. It was always a mad dash, getting new school uniforms and school supplies, new shoes, and helping everyone adjust to being back in school again (and wearing shoes!!!). Setting up car pools also . . . there […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for August ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for August ’23
Hi Everyone, It always feels like we barely settle into summer, and . . . it’s already on its way out. With children starting back to school in late August, it’s almost fall again before we know it. But there’s still time for some summer fun before we shake the sand out of our shoes […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for July ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for July ’23
Hi Everyone, At last it’s SUMMER!!! Yayyy!!! This has been the longest winter and spring that I can remember. It was cold everywhere this year and now, in July, we are bound to have warm weather. Memorial Day usually nudges summer off to a slow start, but on July 4th we KNOW it’s summer, and […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for June ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for June ’23
Dear Reader, June is such a wonderful month, you can count on good weather almost everywhere and it’s not too blazing hot yet. Just right!! Toward the end of June, my new hardcover Palazzo will be coming out, about a wonderful Italian family, originally from Venice, now established in Rome (with a gorgeous family palazzo […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for May ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for May ’23
Hello Everyone, I hope that spring is finally beginning to arrive, after a long cold winter that was beginning to seem endless!!! I travelled through New York in late March and the cold was brutal—I’ve been caught in snowstorms there in the past, as late as mid-April!!! May Day is one of my favorite holidays. […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for April ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for April ’23
Hi Everyone, I hope by now that there is some sign of spring in the air after the coldest winter I can remember everywhere I went!! The good news is that it kept me at home, working on several new books while hibernating to stay warm. So, I hope you’re seeing signs of spring. No […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for March ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for March ’23
Hi Everyone, I hope you’re making it through the winter and the year is off to a good start!!! It has been absolutely freezing everywhere I’ve been this winter: East Coast, West Coast, and Europe. I always love staying home in the deep part of winter and doing a lot of writing when it feels […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for February ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for February ’23
Hi Everyone, It’s still the heart of winter just about everywhere—and I always hibernate in the winter with my typewriter in the winter months and work on new books for you. I’m very happy with how my new book Without A Trace has done in January. The idea of starting anew somewhere is always intriguing. […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for January ’23
  A Letter from Danielle for January ’23
Hi Everyone, I hope you had wonderful holidays and feel renewed and full of energy as we begin this new year! Or: maybe you want to hibernate this month, in the cold weather. It’s a good month to tuck in with a good book—and I’m very excited about the two books that are coming out […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for December ’22
  A Letter from Danielle for December ’22
Hi Everyone, December has to be my favorite month. I love Christmas as much as I did as a child, maybe more, since I have my own children to share it with now. It can be a challenging time in families, a busy, stressful time, or a hard time if you are alone. But underneath […] Read more