Archive for the ‘Current News’ Category
A Letter from Danielle for October ’21
Hi everyone!! October is one of my favorite months. The weather is brisk andcool in most places, but not cold yet, and there is a special kind of energy in the air that I always find invigorating. Fall is in full swing, the leaves are falling, winter is coming—but not there yet. I love the […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for September ’21
Hi everyone, For anyone with school age children, September is the busiest month of the year. I remember how super busy it was for me with nine children in school—dashing around for school supplies, figuring out their schedules, organizeing car pools, setting up extracurricular lessons, driving everyone to all their activities . . . and […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for August ’21
Hi Everyone!!! August always takes me by surprise, since it marks the halfway point in the summer. One just gets used to vacation rhythms and some time off—and suddenly back-to-school thoughts, car pools, school supplies, soccer games, fall projects at work, and new plans creep back into our heads. But keep in mind that you […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for July ’21
Hi Everyone, Well, it’s here at last: Summer!!! I hope that means you’ll get some beach time, or some hammock time under a tree—just some downtime to relax and read and dream after the last stressful year. We’ve all earned a break —and as things improve, we deserve some vacation time, with friends or family, […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for June ’21
Hello Everyone, Ahhh, it’s finally spring—and almost summer! Memorial Day weekend unofficially opens the summer season. After a cold winter, I am ready for some good weather, and warmer days. June is full of the anticipation of summer. I know we’re all ready to see the last of the pandemic so we can get back […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for May ’21
Hi Everyone, May is one of my favorite months. No matter how chilly April is, in some places in May spring finally arrives in all its glory, with flowers and green gently covering the ground and the trees after the bleak gray of winter. Everything comes to life again, in a rainbow of colors! And […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for April ’21
Hi Everyone, I hope that spring is here wherever you are, and I hope that the Covid situation is improving in your area. It has been a long haul so far, and one of the great escapes is reading a good book. And hopefully the general situation will be better soon. I used to dye […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for March ’21
Hi everyone!! Well, we’re inching our way toward spring and it’s been a challenging few months, but we’re hanging in. One of the great pleasures of these winter days, even in normal times, is curling up with a good book, and letting our imaginations soar. And in confinement or staying home to be careful, what […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for February ’21
Hi Everyone, The holidays are behind us, and we’re starting off with a new year. January is always a little dreary—with bad weather, and the after-holiday let down—and February fills us with hope, and the wish for an early spring. We are still battling with Covid—and inevitably paying the price of those who had a […] Read more |
A Letter from Danielle for January ’21
Hi Everyone, I hope that you had good holidays—even though all of our holidays were quieter this year and different than they usually are! It took some careful managing and restraint to keep the holidays safe, but hopefully you had some joy in the festive season. Now we get a whole new year to look […] Read more |