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Archive for November 15th, 2022

The Whittiers
  The Whittiers
In this heartwarming novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Danielle Steel, adult siblings find their way back home—and back to each other—after loss. Preston and Constance Whittier have built a happy life together, with a brood of six children raised in a beautiful historic Manhattan mansion. Now, with a nearly empty nest, it’s easier than […] Read more
A Letter from Danielle for November ’22
  A Letter from Danielle for November ’22
Hi Everyone, I hope you’ve had a good fall, with good things happening. I am always stunned by how fast November and December roll around, with the holidays almost here. November is a wonderful time for the gathering of family and/or friends for Thanksgiving. And also a great time, if you have no plans, to […] Read more