A Letter from Danielle for June ’24

Hi Everyone,

I hope that by now everyone has warm weather everywhere, after a long hard winter. But summer is at long last here. Graduations were last month, so the college kids are free and already enjoying summer holidays. And most people are making, or have made, their summer plans, to go sailing, water skiing, swimming, fishing, or just lying under a tree, in a hammock, reading a book!! And after months of writing, I am editing the winter’s crop of books, and starting to work on new ones.

This month, Resurrection will be coming out, when a man with a delicately balanced life gets caught in his own web of lies and his life comes crashing down around him—and all the people affected by it—as a result. I hope you love the book.

Summer is such a great time to catch up on reading the books you’ve been meaning to get to and haven’t yet. And I hope you have fun vacation plans with family or friends, or adventures on your own. Have a terrific month of June and happy reading!!
