A Letter from Danielle for August ‘18

Hi Everyone,

I hope you’ve had a good summer so far, and have had some down time and vacation, or are looking forward to some holiday time in August. Today marks the release of my novel PAST PERFECT in paperback! It’s a fun book about two families living in the same house – a hundred years apart. A wonderful, elegant family of ghosts, and a modern family newly moved to San Francisco from New York, and living in the same mansion. I hope you enjoy it for the last of your summer reads.

I was thinking the other day that if summer is kind of a ’round trip’, July is the outward bound leg of it, as summer begins, with the whole season to look forward to, and August is the return leg of the trip, when we start thinking of everything we have to do in the fall, which is a busy time for many of us. I’m still looking forward to a long weekend with my children this month, but then vacation time is over for me. August should be hot and lazy, but by the end of the month, there is sometimes a little nip in the air at night, and just a little hint that fall is just around the corner. Kids go back to school earlier than they used to. It used to be that Labor Day marked the end of the summer, and no one went back to school before that. Now, most schools start up again at the end of August, well before Labor Day. Sports practices start early, and parents of school age children are very busy by the end of the month. Labor Day is just a final kiss goodbye to the summer.

But we still have a few more weeks to get in some vacation time and lazy days, so make the best of it, and enjoy it!!! I hope you’ve had time to do some fun reading this summer!!! And maybe some fishing and hiking and swimming, or whatever you enjoy as well. It’s a lovely time to be outdoors!!! In Europe (in France particularly), people get either the whole month of July off, or the whole month of August, vacations are much longer than they are in the States. (In France, people get five weeks of vacation, by law!!)

By the end of this month, I’ll be ready to start working hard again, and doing some serious writing. I start getting antsy to get back to work by the end of August!!! Taking time off is not my strong suit.

I hope you have great plans for some fun this month. Make the best of the month of August and enjoy it!!!

Much love,

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