A Letter from Danielle for June ’17

Hi Everyone,

I hope that June is finally going to bring us some warmer weather. All of my cities have had a VERY chilly May!!! (and a lot of rain!!) It used to be that June was warm everywhere, now that’s not always the case!!

For anyone with kids, June is a VERY busy month. They get out of school and have to make the transition from well filled school days and after school activities to having more time on their hands, which is challenging for parents. Even if they’re going to camp in July, you still have June to fill as you keep them entertained before the summer begins in earnest. And kids are used to being super busy these days, with many lessons, sports, homework and other activities during the school year—and suddenly once they’re out of school for the summer, keeping them challenged and their days filled falls to their parents.

I’m still busy writing in June, and don’t meet up with my kids for vacation until July. One of them will be staying with me while she works this month, which is great for me. I love knowing that my kids are under my roof again, even if I barely see them, or just get a glimpse of them and a few minutes to chat as they come and go. It’s such a great feeling to have them staying at home.

If you’re putting together a summer reading list, or taking a stack of books on vacation with you, I hope you’ll add some of mine to that list! AGAINST ALL ODDS came out last month, and if you haven’t read it yet, I hope you’ll get a chance to read it now. It’s about the very complicated relationship situations a woman’s four young adult children get into, and how unlikely that they’ll beat the odds and succeed if they take too many chances, and ignore the risks. But who listens to their parents???

And I have a new one for you coming in just a few weeks!!! It’s called THE DUCHESS and releases on June 27th.

In France, most of the country takes their vacation in the summer, so nearly half the country is on vacation in July, and the other half in August. That makes it very hard to get much business done in France then, since almost every business is half-staffed for those two months. And many, many businesses, stores, restaurants, etc. close down entirely for the month of August. It adds a real holiday atmosphere to France in the summer!!

I hope your summer plans are shaping up and that you’re looking forward to them. And I hope it’s a gorgeous sunny month wherever you are!!!


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