A Letter from Danielle for February ‘19

Hello Everyone,

Here comes February, still deep in the heart of winter. As I write this, it’s snowing, and Spring seems a million years away. I’ve been writing like crazy all winter, the holidays were busy and also seem like they are a long time behind us. When we’re in it, winter seems like the longest season, doesn’t it? It goes on forever, and then at last, Spring bursts forth—but not yet!!!! For skiers, it’s the best time of year—for the rest of us not so much!!

Holiday–wise, the Big Event is Valentine’s Day, which can be fabulous or an iffy affair. I’ve had both, and two marriage proposals on Valentine’s Day (and accepted both), so I’ve had my share of great Valentine’s Days. And several less memorable ones. I hope yours will be fabulous this year—all hearts and flowers and chocolates!!! And a Valentine from someone you love.

The paperback of my book THE CAST is out this month, and I really hope you love it. It’s about the cast of a hit TV series, and the complicated and intriguing personal lives of the very varied people in the cast of the show, with personal challenges, and exciting situations in their lives. They are people of all ages brought together by the show, and become a family as they work to bring the show to life. I loved writing that book, and I hope you’ll love reading it!!!

For me, February is still in the heart of the time I spend hibernating and writing, working on several books, developing new outlines and doing research for future books. My typewriter and I will be spending Valentine’s Day together, to bring you some great new books in the coming months.

Have a great February, and stay warm!!!

Much Love,

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